Terry Jackson

English Translator's Workshop

četrtek, 23. marec 2023, ob 10. uri

četrtek, 23. marec 2023, ob 10. uri

spletni seminar prek aplikacije ZOOM


This workshop provides a platform for participants to practice their skills, compare their work with others, and receive feedback on their translations. It has a variety of activities designed to help translators improve their skills and gain confidence in their work.


One of the key components of the workshop is translation exercises. Participants are given a variety of texts to translate, relevant to their work.

They can specify in advance which themes and types of text they would prefer:
•   What areas and themes are they interested in translating?
•   Can they suggest sources (e.g., Slovene language academic journals) for texts with those themes?
•   What are some specific topics they would like to discuss with other translators and/or an English proofreader in the general discussion?

These exercises are designed to challenge participants and help them build their skills in a variety of different areas, such as grammar, vocabulary, and style.


Another important component of the workshop is peer review. Participants have the opportunity to share their translations with others in the group and receive feedback on their work. This provides an opportunity for participants to see how their translations compare to those of others and to learn from the feedback they receive.


The workshop also includes group discussions, which provide an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences and challenges, and to learn from the experiences of others. Participants may suggest topics in advance. These discussions enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of their work and to identify areas where they need to improve.


The workshop is led by an experienced English proofreader, who provides guidance and support throughout the process. He will provide feedback, answer questions, and provide tips and strategies for improving translations.


Overall, this workshop is a valuable opportunity for participants to improve their skills, gain confidence in their work, and learn from the experiences of others. It provides a supportive and collaborative environment where participants can work together to improve their translations and grow as professionals.


Terry Jackson je naravni govorec angleščine (iz Kanade) z več kot 25-letnimi izkušnjami z lektoriranjem angleških besedil, tako tistih, ki so jih prevedli naravni govorci angleščine, kot tudi tistih, ki so jih v angleščino napisali Slovenci, predvsem akademiki in raziskovalci. Diplomiral je iz medkulturnih komunikacij, kar je dobro izkoristil v svoji karieri v Sloveniji.

Cena za
3-urni spletni seminar je 65 EUR (DDV že vključen). Priznamo 20-% popust, če se seminarja udeležita vsaj dve osebi iz iste ustanove ali podjetja.

Prijavite se lahko prek spodnjega obrazca. Upoštevali bomo prijave, za katere bomo do vključno 48 ur pred izvedbo seminarja prejeli plačilo kotizacije. Po zaključku seminarja boste prejeli račun za plačano kotizacijo.

Kotizacija znaša
65 EUR. Prosimo, da kotizacijo poravnate v navedenem roku, kot sledi:

prejemnik: Veris d.o.o.
TRR: SI56 0400 1004 9672 525
referenca SI00 202303
namen plačila: kotizacija
koda namena: OTHR

Če se seminarja ne morete udeležiti, kotizacijo pa ste že plačali, odpovejte udeležbo prek e-pošte (izobrazevanje@veris.si) vsaj 48 ur pred izvedbo seminarja in kotizacijo vam bomo v celoti vrnili. Po preteku tega datuma kotizacij ne vračamo.

Po zaključenem seminarju vsak udeleženec prejme potrdilo. Z udeležbo na Verisovem jezikovnem seminarju za sodne tolmače lahko pridobite potrdilo za stalno usposabljanje sodnih tolmačev, ki ga zahteva Ministrstvo za pravosodje.

V primeru nepredvidenih dogodkov ali višje sile lahko podjetje Veris d.o.o. seminar ali odpove ali prestavi njegov datum. Podjetje Veris d.o.o. bo v tem primeru prek e-pošte vse prijavljene obvestilo takoj, ko izve za razlog odpovedi. V primeru odpovedi seminarja bo podjetje prijavljenim vrnilo plačano kotizacijo. V primeru prestavitve datuma seminarja bo podjetje Veris d.o.o. vrnilo plačano kotizacijo prijavljenim, če se na novi datum seminarja ne bodo mogli udeležiti. Ostalih stroškov/škode podjetje Veris ni dolžno povrnitvi.



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